Job Search Timeline

As you prepare to complete your nephrology training and move into the next phase of your nephrology career, make use of our job seeker’s timeline to plan ahead!

12 Months Prior to Graduation

Evaluate your priorities (discuss with your partner/significant other) geographical preferences, type of practice (private, academic), size of practice preferred, employed or partnership.

Update your CV (reverse chronological order-most current first).

Speak with graduating fellows.

Begin contacting trusted recruitment resources.

9 Months Prior to Graduation

Begin setting up interviews (telephone interviews are helpful in determining what you do and do not want).

Do not schedule an on-site interview unless you are definitely considering accepting the position being offered.


Apply for your license (Texas, Florida and California can have lengthier timelines!) and consult with other state boards for their approval process.

The Physician Services team was so helpful as I was going through the process of finding a nephrologist position! They gave excellent advice from start to finish including what to include in my CV, what the typical interview process is, and how to find the resources needed as I went through the contract negotiation process.

Diana M.

6 Months Prior to Graduation

Have your search narrowed down to no more than 3 positions.

Consult an attorney in the state for which you will be working to review your contracts.

SIGN! Do not risk losing an opportunity.

Apply for your license if you have not done so.

3 Months Prior to Graduation

Have license in hand.

Be sure required credentialing has been initiated (Medicare, private insurance, hospitals, etc.)

Finalize start date, move date, etc.